June News 2023

The last few weeks have seen champagne sailing conditions and looking at the next couple of months there is lots to look forward to at your club – please read on to find out more and catch up with what’s already happened.

But before then here’s an update from Paul with some important reminders please to help ensure things run smoothly

Sailing Update by Paul Nichols, Vice Commodore

Whilst on the water activities are growing from strength to strength we need to remain vigilant with the amount of increased access to our club and facilities.
Disappointingly we have reported a few instances of boat and trailer theft over recent months and have even had an incident where a members boat was taken onto the water without consent. Here are a few reminders to help improve security and support the smooth running of the club.

  • Please lock the outer gate after you. Note – Only the OOD has the authority to remove the padlock, and only on the days where we have events & visitors.
  • Please do not leave the gate open on Sunday mornings at busy periods – “when you believe there will be another sailor arriving shortly” – Please lock it.
  • Please sign in at the Gate Hut on your way into the club. This includes all members, schools and Clubs.
  • If you see people entering the club area & boat park without signing in – please politely remind them to do so, if they are visitors please ensure their sponsor (member) signs them in as a guest in the Club Room. If they are without club member please advise the OOD.
  • Use of club boats needs to be booked on the day with the OOD, and use paid for as appropriate.
  • Please remain vigilant, if you see activities happening which appear strange, please either intervene or make the duty team or a flag officer aware.

On the water

  • Please respect the Fishermen and maintain distances, keep away from the fixed obstacles (Fishing Nets)
  • Stay inside the sailing areas. If you are unclear of the extremities please refer to the club Sailing Map. Note please that there is a limit at the Southern End of the Lake past which is “out of bounds”.
  • Lastly – a reminder that Bristol Water regulations do not allow Dogs on site, even in a car.

Sailing wise have a great summer on and off the water, thanks to all our duty teams, helpers and support staff who are giving up their time, on the water Rescue, OOD, RO’s, Chew Crew, Clads, Training Teams & Club Management Teams – we all appreciate your efforts.

Upcoming sailing (James Williams, sailing Sec)

This weekend 03-Jun-23 sees our annual ILCA & Solo open at the club (ILCAs on the Saturday, Solos over the whole weekend). Pre-entry has now closed but you can still enter on the day, there is a cracking forecast and it will be great to see lots out.
The lake will be open for general sailing, although please remain in the Northern end of the lake well away from the race area.

Start Racing kicks off on Thursday 01-Jun-23 and runs throughout June. See Nick’s message elsewhere in the newsletter for details!
Alongside Start Racing, Thursday Improvers continues. Come and make use of the lake for some evening sailing.

The club Advance Rescue Helm course is running again on Saturday 10th alongside the next Lunch on the Lake, Lake & Cake and CLADS days.
Other than this weekend, Chew Crew continues on Sunday mornings and junior sailing in the afternoons moves on to RYA Stage 2.

Member Travels
Our members have continued to venture far and wide through the second half of May 2023.
Derian and Andy Scott sailed in the Fireball event at Poole YC, perhaps being one of the only teams to have beaten Tom Gillard in a class race in any boat in the last couple of years by winning the second race of the event.
Ollie Houseman had another weekend on the Thames at Tamesis with his Merlin Rocket for the Porteous / Southcott Cups and Sondown Cup / Elizabeth Bowl, finishing 3rd overall on both days.
A trio of RS100s (David Smart, Andy Jones & Steve Jones) and a lone Chew Solo (Chris Goldhawk) travelled to Paington for their annual POSH (Paignton Open for Single Handers) event. David Smart was best placed in theRS100 fleet with Chris inside the top third for the overall. The same weekend Bill Chard made it to our neighbours at BCYC for their Solo open.

CLADS- help needed please

Chew Lake Association of Disabled Sailors (CLADS) recently recommenced sailing for the year and everyone is enjoying the warm weather and fair winds.

Meeting most Saturdays from April to October we are looking out for volunteers to help with rigging and launching our boats, and to assist on the water. If you can spare some time to assist our members get on the water, either on a regular or occasional basis, please do get in touch with me here 

Steve Nash CLADs Chairman

Start Racing begins 01-Jun-23

The club’s start racing sessions kick off Thursday 01-Jun-23 and runs over 5 successive Thursday evenings providing an informal and relaxed introduction to racing at Chew.

Each week we meet at 6pm rigged and changed for a quick chat covering some of the basics before taking to the water to practice. We’ll be ashore by 8pm with a further opportunity for discussion and questions.
No need to book, just turn up as and when you can. You’ll need your own boat or access to a club one – any class is fine.

Hope to see you then.

Nick Martindale

RYA Level 1/2 Course Completes

In ideal conditions, with ideal students, the RYA’s Combined Level 1(Start Sailing) and Level 2(Basic Skills) course can be completed in 4 days, Well we were lucky to enjoy ideal conditions, so you can draw your own conclusions about this crew who got their RYA certificates in 2 weekends. Well done to Steve, Gemma, Rick, Jacques, Luke, Anne-Marie and Matt!

A big shout out to Mike Fotherby, SI for the course, Henry (SI) and Camilla (DI) for helping out. It was also great to see Cathy Bartram pop up from her new base to help us for the second weekend.
Big thanks also to the Avon Scout Group, who loaned us their Bahia at no notice when we found one of the club Quests had been dismasted. How does it go – “Be Prepared”!!
Dave Orme, RYA Principal training.cvlsc@gmail.com

28-Jun-23 – Nettle Bashers Required in Preparation for the Family Regatta!

Yes, the Family Regatta is this year to be on Saturday 01-Jul-23, with games, the annual round the island race, and treasure hunt on Little Denny, and much more. More details will follow later this month but in the meantime help is required please on Wednesday 28th June when we are organising a working party to go across to Denny Island to make preparations.

Meeting at 10am on the 28-Jun-23, we will land in the harbour at the back of the island, clear the harbour area to make it safe to land and cut tracks through the nettles to make it safe for the 50 or so people who visit the island on the Saturday. Boots and long trousers are a must and please bring any nettle bashing tools you have. If you haven’t been before it is an experience.

If you can help please let Jeff know  or gather at the flagpole at 10am on the 28-Jun-23.

Fun Thursdays begin in July

FUN Thursdays start on Thursday 06-Jul-23. The Police group open the club and provide safety cover from 2pm for anyone to have a sail. About 6pm Hugh and Jackie Whatley run a very simple FUN race followed by a BBQ run by the Police group. Future dates are 20-Jul-23, 03-Aug-23 and 17-Aug-23. The BBQ is donations but we do need an idea of numbers.

Discover Sailing  – 15-Jul-23

Discover sailing is the day we open our club to non members and offer them a taste of sailing with short trips out on the lake and tours around the club – a day to promote both our club and our sport. Please promote the event through your networks.

We are looking for friendly and welcoming people to help on the day – either ashore or to act as helms taking people out in the club quests. Please contact me if you can assist.

RYA First aid course

RYA first aid course is being held on Saturday 29-Jul-23 – required by all instructors and recommended for everyone. The cost is only £30,  please book through your Webcollect account.

Jeff jeffstratford@btinternet.com

Andy Jones