Handicap Fleet
The Chew handicap fleet attracts a wide range of dinghies ranging from Cherubs and RS800s all the way to Mirrors. We have recently divided the fleet to give those who wish to sail Windward / Leeward the option to do so where practicable, whilst the rest of the fleet can enjoy a more varied course with a mix of beats runs and broad and tight reaches. Classes are not designated to a particular fleet, but should specify the course they intend to sail when signing on.
The Handicap section of the club boasts a number of sailors who are regular travellers and well placed in their respective open and national fleets, including classes such as the RS700, Musto Skiff, Cherub, Fireball, RS100, Scorpion, RS200, K1 and Finn. We are keen to encourage newcomers and there are a number of other classes regularly sailed on the lake, so there should always be a friendly face around to offer advice.
On Wednesday evenings in the summer, the fleet split is altered and all classes faster than 1090 sail together as the A handicap, joined by the Flying Fifteens, whilst boats slower than 1090 mix it with the Solos and Toppers. The Lasers have a separate start. The Wednesday series is a great way to unwind from the pressure of work, mid week, and is the best attended and most competitive series in the club with 50 boat turnouts not an uncommon sight. Even if they cannot make the 1900 start line the keen ones will come down to watch, have a meal and enjoy the atmosphere in the bar after racing.
Many of the boats racing in the handicap fleets at double handers and there is a constant demand for crews. This is a good way to get started in the sport, pick up racing tips from more experienced helms and / or to sail regularly without the expense of owning your own boat. If you are interested the website now has a crew-finder / helm-finder notice board or you could come along on a Sunday and ask around the fleet.
Contact James Williams